A guide to gyms in Elsternwick Village

A guide to gyms in Elsternwick Village

Fitness regimes are as varied and individual as every person who has made the resolution that this is the year they’re going to get fitter, healthier and happier – and the gyms Elsternwick Village call home offer them all.

Whether your ‘me time’ involves clocking up the kilometres on a treadmill while listening to your favourite tunes, working on your core strength while mastering the downward dog, or getting out all your stress on a punching bag, the gyms Elsternwick Village is known for have something just for you.

Here’s a rundown on Elsternwick Village gyms and what they offer.

6 Degrees South Health and Fitness

It’s the Elsternwick Village gym that understands that working out is about more than finding a place to do a class or pump iron – it’s the total experience.

6 Degrees South Health and Fitness is a modern, clean, light-filled gym with sweeping views of Elsternwick.

Featuring the latest gym and fitness equipment, the studio offers workout classes, including spin and yoga, as well as personalised training options developed by a team of professional and positive personal trainers.

BFT Elsternwick

BFT Elsternwick takes a holistic approach to fitness, recognising that any successful fitness routine requires individual attention and a sense of belonging. Its inclusive and supportive health and fitness community supports all clients in their fitness journey.

Highly trained exercise physiologists, exercise scientists and trainers use scientifically proven training techniques aimed at reducing fat and creating lean muscle across their variety of 50-minute training sessions.

F45 Training Elsternwick

At F45 Training Elsternwick it’s all about raising your heart rate, increasing your energy, and helping you develop a healthier and happier mindset.

F45 is a program specifically designed to provide a 45-minute full-body workout that improves your metabolic rate, strength, and endurance in a session that features a mix of circuit and HIIT-style exercises that mirror everyday movement.

Strong Pilates

What do you get if you combine the core-strengthening benefits of traditional Pilates with a cardio workout? Strong Pilates!

Strong Pilates is a specially designed Pilates inspired workout that fuses cardio work and rowing to create a full body workout that’s high in intensity and low on impact.

Strong Pilates is big on attention to detail – a favourite being the eucalyptus infused towel handed to clients once they’ve finished their workout.

Zap Fitness

Forget rushing to classes or trying to squeeze your workout into set opening hours, Zap Fitness is the 24-hour gym loved by Elsternwick Village shift workers, busy mums, and people who simply lead full lives.

With a wide range of cardio equipment, a functional training zone, strength equipment and a dedicated stretching area, clients can adapt their workout depending on what they enjoy and what area of their fitness they want to focus on at any given time.

Perhaps the most important element of working out at one of the gyms Elsternwick Village calls home is fun!

Our gyms are our fitness communities, where you’re supported in your fitness goals while catching up with friends and neighbours, all working towards better health and greater happiness.

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